Manual vs. Automated Testing: Choosing the Right Approach

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Today, we will learn about the right approach of testing method.

Why to use Software Testing?

Software testing is the systematic process of evaluating a software application to discover and rectify defects while ensuring it meets the defined requirements. It involves the execution of software components, utilizing manual or automated tools, to assess specific properties. The primary objective of software testing is to confirm the software’s correct functionality, reliability, and alignment with user and stakeholder expectations. Testing is conducted at different stages of the software development life cycle to validate aspects such as functionality, performance, security, and overall quality.

Before releasing a product to the market, it’s essential to ensure that the software is free from defects, providing users with a seamless experience while utilizing its functions. This necessity underscores the importance of quality testing. Moving on to the various types of testing, there are two primary categories: Manual Testing and Automation Testing.

The key distinction between them lies in their approach. Manual testing involves executing tests methodically, step by step, without reliance on tools. Conversely, automated testing utilizes test automation frameworks and other software tools to execute tests automatically, streamlining the testing process.

What is Manual Testing?

Manual testing is a software evaluation method where testers execute test cases without relying on automation tools. Testers simulate real-world user scenarios to validate the software’s expected functionality.

Manual testing is a type of software testing that is performed by a human tester without the use of any automated tools. The tester executes test cases manually and compares the actual results to the expected results. Manual testing is often used to test the non-functional aspects of software, such as usability, performance, and security.

Manual testing is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, but it is still widely used because it is effective at finding bugs that automated testing tools may miss. Manual testers are also able to use their judgment and intuition to test the software in a way that automated tools cannot.

Here is a high-level overview of the manual testing process:

  1. Analyze the requirements. The tester must first understand the requirements of the software under test. This is done by reviewing the software requirements specification (SRS) document and other relevant documentation.
  2. Create test cases. The tester then creates test cases to cover all of the requirements. Test cases are step-by-step instructions for how to test the software.
  3. Execute test cases. The tester then executes the test cases manually. This involves following the steps in the test case and verifying that the software behaves as expected.
  4. Report bugs. If the tester finds any bugs, they report them to the development team.
  5. Re-test fixed bugs. Once the development team has fixed a bug, the tester re-tests the software to verify that the bug has been fixed.

How does Manual Testing Work?

Manual testing involves a human tester executing test cases on a software application to identify bugs and defects. The process begins with analyzing the software requirements specification (SRS) document to understand the application’s functionality. Testers then create specific test cases outlining step-by-step instructions and expected outcomes. During execution, testers compare actual results with expected results. Any disparities are reported as bugs.

For instance, a manual test case might involve logging into an application:

Test Case ID: TC-01

Test Case Name: Login to the Application

Test Case Description: Verify a user can successfully log into the application.


  1. Open the application.
  2. Enter a valid username and password.
  3. Click the “Login” button.
  4. Expected Result: The user should be logged in successfully.

Testers follow these steps manually, reporting any deviations from the expected outcome. Manual testing covers various aspects such as functionality, usability, performance, and security, ensuring the software meets quality standards.

What is Automation Testing?

Automation testing is a software testing method employing automated tools to execute test cases and compare actual results with expected outcomes. It is applicable across various aspects of software applications, including functionality, performance, security, and usability.

Automation testing offers several advantages over manual testing:

Speed: Automated tests run faster, making them ideal for testing large and complex applications. Accuracy: Automation tools reduce human errors, enhancing the precision of testing processes. Repeatability: Automated tests can be repeated multiple times, crucial for regression testing to ensure changes don’t introduce new bugs. Coverage: Automation testing can explore a broader range of scenarios, generating numerous test cases efficiently.

However, automation testing has limitations. It cannot assess non-functional aspects like usability and performance. Additionally, setting up and maintaining automation tools can be expensive and time-consuming.

In summary, while automation testing enhances speed, accuracy, repeatability, and coverage, it should be complemented by manual testing to ensure comprehensive software evaluation.

How does Automation Testing Work?

Automation testing involves the use of software tools to automatically execute test cases and compare the actual outcomes with the expected results. Test cases are scripted using languages like Python or JavaScript, enabling automation of steps such as data input, button clicks, and result verification.

Once written, these test cases are executed using automation testing tools like Selenium. The tool reads the scripts and performs the steps automatically, comparing actual results to the expected outcomes and reporting discrepancies.

Here is a simple example of an automation test case:

import unittest

class LoginTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_login(self):
# Open the application

    # Enter the username and password

    # Click the "Login" button

    # Verify that the user is logged in
    self.assertIn("Welcome, user!", self.driver.page_source)

if name == “main“:

For example, an automation tool like Selenium would open an application, input the username and password, click “Login,” and verify successful login. Automation testing can assess functionality, performance, security, and usability, making it especially beneficial for testing large and intricate software applications.

What are the types of Automation Testing?

Automation testing can be broadly categorized into several types based on the scope and purpose of the tests.

Here are some common types of automation testing:

  • Unit testing: Unit testing is the process of testing individual units of code, such as functions or classes. Unit testing is typically performed by developers and is automated using unit testing frameworks such as JUnit and TestNG.
  • Integration testing: Integration testing is the process of testing how different units of code work together. Integration testing is typically performed by QA engineers and is automated using integration testing tools such as Selenium and Appium.
  • Functional testing: Functional testing is the process of testing the overall functionality of a software application. Functional testing is typically performed by QA engineers and is automated using functional testing tools such as Selenium and Appium.
  • Regression testing: Regression testing is the process of testing software after changes have been made to ensure that the changes have not introduced new bugs. Regression testing is typically automated using regression testing tools such as Selenium and Appium.
  • Performance testing: Performance testing is the process of testing the performance of a software application under load. Performance testing is typically performed by performance testing engineers and is automated using performance testing tools such as JMeter and LoadRunner.
  • Security testing: Security testing is the process of testing the security of a software application to identify and fix vulnerabilities. Security testing is typically performed by security engineers and is automated using security testing tools such as OWASP ZAP and Nmap.

In addition to these common types of automation testing, there are also many other types of automation testing, such as:

  • Acceptance testing: Acceptance testing is the process of testing Automation testing can be broadly categorized into several types based on the scope and purpose of the tests. Here are some common types of automation testing:a software application to ensure that it meets the requirements of the customer. Acceptance testing is typically performed by QA engineers and is automated using the same tools that are used for functional testing and regression testing.
  • API testing: API testing is the process of testing application programming interfaces (APIs). API testing is typically performed by QA engineers and is automated using API testing tools such as Postman and SoapUI.
  • Usability testing: Usability testing is the process of testing the usability of a software application to ensure that it is easy to use and navigate. Usability testing is typically performed by usability engineers and is not typically automated.

The type of automation testing that is used will depend on the specific needs of the software application and the testing team.

Top Automation Testing Tools

In 2023, various automation testing tools are widely used by QA engineers and developers:

Selenium: Selenium is a popular open-source web automation testing framework. It supports multiple programming languages and browsers, making it versatile for automating web applications.

Appium: Appium is an open-source mobile automation testing framework. It automates native, hybrid, and web applications on both Android and iOS devices. Appium supports various programming languages and mobile testing frameworks.

Cypress: Cypress is a JavaScript-based end-to-end testing framework, recognized for its speed and user-friendliness. It’s extensively used to automate web applications.

TestComplete: TestComplete is a commercial automation testing tool compatible with web, mobile, and desktop applications. It is valued for its extensive features and user-friendly interface, making it a favorite among QA teams.

Katalon Studio: Katalon Studio is a free and open-source automation testing platform supporting web, mobile, API, and desktop applications. It is appreciated for its ease of use and wide array of features, making it a popular choice for QA teams.

Other notable automation testing tools in 2023 include Ranorex, Perfecto, LambdaTest, Sauce Labs, BrowserStack, Postman, SoapUI, Eggplant Functional, Tricentis Tosca, Apache JMeter, and Robot Framework.

The selection of the best automation testing tool depends on your specific project requirements and preferences.

Manual Testing vs Automated Testing – Key Differences

Here is a table summarizing the key differences between manual testing and automated testing:

CharacteristicManual TestingAutomated Testing
DefinitionTesting performed by a human testerTesting performed by a software tool
ExecutionTest cases are executed manually by the testerTest cases are executed automatically by the software tool
SpeedSlower than automated testingFaster than manual testing
AccuracyMore prone to human errorsLess prone to human errors
RepeatabilityCan be difficult to repeat consistentlyCan be repeated consistently
CoverageCan be difficult to test all scenarios manuallyCan be used to test a wider range of scenarios
CostLess expensive to set up, but more expensive to executeMore expensive to set up, but less expensive to execute
BenefitsFlexible and can be used to test non-functional aspects of softwareCan be used to test large and complex software applications quickly and efficiently
LimitationsMore prone to human errors and can be difficult to test all scenariosCan be expensive to set up and maintain, and cannot be used to test non-functional aspects of software

Manual and automated testing are both integral to software testing. Manual testing offers flexibility and is suitable for evaluating non-functional aspects of software. In contrast, automated testing excels in speed and efficiency, making it ideal for testing large and intricate software applications. A balanced approach involves leveraging both methods to comprehensively test all aspects of the software.

Examples of Manual Testing:

  • Exploratory testing
  • Usability testing
  • Performance testing under load
  • Security testing
  • Evaluating non-functional aspects like accessibility and internationalization

Examples of Automated Testing:

  • Regression testing
  • Smoke testing
  • Sanity testing
  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • API testing

By combining manual and automated testing, software quality can be assured effectively.

Why Use Automation Testing Over Manual Testing?

Automation testing offers several advantages over manual testing:

  1. Speed and Efficiency: Automated tests can be executed much faster than manual tests, especially for large and complex applications. This speed allows for quick feedback on code changes, accelerating the development process.
  2. Re usability: Automated test scripts can be reused across different stages of the development lifecycle, saving time and effort, especially during regression testing.
  3. Accuracy: Automation eliminates the risk of human errors, ensuring precise and consistent test results as per the predefined steps.
  4. Coverage: Automated testing can cover a wide range of test cases, including various scenarios, edge cases, and different configurations, providing comprehensive test coverage.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness: While the initial setup of automation tests requires an investment, it significantly reduces testing costs in the long run. Automated tests run faster, require fewer resources, and contribute to efficient development cycles.
  6. Regression Testing: Automation is invaluable for regression testing, ensuring that new code changes don’t negatively impact existing features.
  7. Data-Driven Testing: Automation tools enable data-driven testing, allowing the same test scripts to be executed with different sets of data, essential for testing various input combinations.
  8. Parallel Execution: Automated tests can run in parallel on different devices or browsers simultaneously, enhancing test coverage and reducing overall testing time.
  9. Continuous Integration: Automation seamlessly integrates with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, ensuring continuous testing and immediate feedback to developers whenever new code changes are made.
  10. Performance Testing: Automation tools can simulate a large number of virtual users accessing the application concurrently, facilitating efficient performance testing under various load conditions.

While automation testing provides numerous benefits, it’s important to note that it’s not suitable for all testing scenarios. Human intervention and judgment are still essential for certain aspects of testing, such as exploratory and usability testing. Therefore, a balanced approach that combines both manual and automated testing is often the most effective strategy for comprehensive software quality assurance.

Manual Testing vs Automation Testing: Which Approach is the Best Choice for you?

Both manual and automated testing are valuable tools in software testing, and the choice between them depends on specific project requirements.

Consider the following factors when deciding between manual and automated testing:

1. Type of Software:

  • Automated Testing: Well-suited for web and mobile applications.
  • Manual Testing: Appropriate for embedded systems and real-time systems, which might be challenging to automate.

2. Size and Complexity of Software:

  • Automated Testing: Cost-effective for large and complex applications.
  • Manual Testing: More suitable for small and simple software, as setting up and maintaining automated tests for these can be costly.

3. Budget:

  • Automated Testing: Initial setup costs more but can be cost-effective in the long run due to repeatability.
  • Manual Testing: Generally more budget-friendly upfront.

4. Team Skills and Experience:

  • Automated Testing: Requires a skilled team for automation setup and maintenance.
  • Manual Testing: Suitable when the team lacks automation skills, as it relies on human intervention.

Guidelines for Manual and Automated Testing:

Manual Testing:

  • Small and simple software projects.
  • Software difficult to automate.
  • Non-functional aspects like usability and performance testing.
  • Testing under specific load or environmental conditions.

Automated Testing:

  • Large and complex software applications.
  • Software easy to automate.
  • Frequent testing needs.
  • Regression testing.
  • Cross-browser and platform testing requirements.

Best Approach:

  • Combination: Often, a combination of manual and automated testing yields the best results. This allows leveraging the advantages of both approaches based on specific testing needs.

Tips for Choosing the Right Approach:

  1. Identify Project Needs: Clearly define your testing goals, required test types, and testing frequency.
  2. Evaluate Tools: Research various manual and automated testing tools, choosing those aligning with your project requirements and budget.
  3. Team Skills: Assess your team’s skills; if lacking automation expertise, consider training or hiring skilled resources.
  4. Create a Testing Plan: Develop a comprehensive testing plan detailing specific tests and required resources.
  5. Monitor Results: Continuously monitor testing outcomes to pinpoint areas needing improvement and ensure software quality.

By following these steps, you can select the most suitable testing approach, ensuring your software meets the highest quality standards.


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